Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Crazy weather!

This past weekend Kevin finished making the backyard an ice rink and Sammy and him went skating. Sam loved it- he did much better with a hockey stick in hand then when he just tries to skate. But then Monday and Tuesday it poured rain and was like 44 degrees F. All the snow melted, and the ice was a puddle. Sam was very sad when we told him no sledding or ice skating! Last night, Tuesday, I went to Holland to visit friends. It was pouring all night. I got home about 9:15PM and the temp was 43 degrees F and still raining- big puddles on the road. At 10:30 when I headed up to bed- the windows were covered in sleet, it was really windy, and the ice, grass, and streets were covered in snow! All within an hour! This morning, everything is closed, the roads are horrible so my mom stayed home and I am not working, and it is 7 degrees outside!!! BBBBRRRRRRR!!! But...I guess that means the ice is frozen again!

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