Friday, January 25, 2008

My computer!

I am sad because our Mac is on the fritz (AKA, Kevin hasn't had time to look at it and fix it). It is sad because that means I am downstairs on our big ole ancient rarely used PC...and since all our pictures are in iPhoto I can't even access them! I know, poor me. Seriously, it is just an annoyance.

What's been happening? Sam. He had father night at school last night and he had an okay time- he was super tired before even leaving and Kev said about halfway through he was just really cranky. Which was too bad because it sounded like a lot of fun! (Kevin took pictures--but again- no access to iPhoto!)

Today his class went to the zoo. My first thoughts were - zoo in winter?? But his teacher pointed out it is a lot of fun because the animals are very lively. Which makes sense, since every time we have gone in the summer they are always sleeping! Sam talked lots about the monkeys and tiger. He had a really good time!

Other stuff going on? Family coming over tonight, KEvin and I might get to go just the two of us tomorrow (yea!) and, obviously, I am READY FOR THIS BABY TO COME OUT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So did just the two of you get to go out yesterday?