Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pictures and Josh

Well, my camera is broken. Which is too bad because Josh is sooo cute today. He is sitting up all by himself! Surrounded by pollows of course, I finally dared leave him and he played sitting up for over 20 minutes before he fell back on a pillow! Yea Josh! It is so nice to have him be able to sit up!!!


Sam pooped on the potty! This time, he went in the bathroom all by himself, like he has been doing lately, and he was just sitting in there. He had just gone potty so I didn't really think anything was going to happen so I was kind of ignoring him...and than he came running out and told me, so I went and sure enough, he had POOPED!! This is a HUGE step, let's hope he keeps it up. I think he likes the independence of doing everything himself and not having us standing there waiting for him.

Friday, March 24, 2006


This is two of my good friends from High School, Bethany and Kelly. When I was pregnant with Sam, Bethany was pregnant with Abigail. Just recently, with a few months, Bethany, Kelly, and I all had boys: Henry, Joshua, and Simon. I think it's pretty neat!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Potty training

I hate it when I am off doing something...like putting Josh down for his nap and I hear Sammy go off into the basement. By himself, in the dark- a sure sign that he is about to poop his pants. Two year olds!

My thoughts on Baby showers

Okay, so recently I have been working in Josh's baby album and it has made me kind of sad. There are a few pages for "Your Baby Shower." Which got me thinking, why do we not give baby showers for second/third...children? I am not complaining that I didn't get a shower, rather, I am questioning the tradition of why we do not give the showers. So, here are my reasons why I think we should, along with reasons, I can think of, why we traditionally do NOT give them.

1. Every Baby deserves a party!
2. There are some things you need large and small. Example: unless your kids are 4 or 5 years apart you will need another car seat!
3. All my friends and family ended up getting us a gift for Josh anyways. Gifts ranged from things for me, meals, clothes, books etc. Several people even said, we didn't know what to get...Imagine if I had registered for those things we really needed?
4. Every pregnany mom deserves to be pampered! Throw her a party and have all the gifts be things for her: coupons for meals or cleaning, massage, bubble bath, getting her hair done, OR $$ for new pregnancy clothes!
5. The second child was MUCH harder than the first. You are busier and therefore need more help!
6. The showers would be so fun because you could do themes- like every picks a meal to make for them after the baby is born. Or instead of gifts everyone brings a pack of diapers!
7. The older child will see the new items and it may help understanding that a new baby is coming.

1. I think traditinally we don't give showers because we assume they don't need anything- they already had a kid and all the supplies they see. (See reasons why #2)
2. At showers advice and helpful hints are often given to the mom- another thing a second time around mom wouldn't need. But she does need help- two is harder than 1!
3. As with any shower, you can often feel like you are "asking"for gifts. But, as mentioned, most people gave us gifts anyway....so why not make it easier for them letting them knowwhat you need or having a theme shower?

I am sure there are more reasons, but I can't think of any right now!!! Clearly, my point has been made. And, who knows, maybe the next friend of mine who is pregnant with her second or third I will throw them a shower and start this new great tradition! Any volunteers? Moores? :)

Friday, March 17, 2006

We love our stroller!


Sammy loves to read- even to Josh!


Last night Sammy said look mommy! And this what I saw- I laughed hard!

cute boys!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Love my Mei Tai!

Just got a new Mei Tai and it was well worth the investment. Josh and I LOVE it!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Potty Training

Sam did a #2 on the potty!!!!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Josh's first tooth is breaking through! It is his bottom right tooth.


One of lifes most beautiful images...

Thursday, March 02, 2006


A friend recently asked me what I do when Sammy throws up; I answered honestly I don't know because Sammy never throws up. NOt anymore! He threw up a couple times last night and is just miserable today. So is Josh. So am I. We are one sick household!