Saturday, September 25, 2010

Boots and Soccer

Notice to all parents: when you tell your child to take off his cowboy boots at bedtime, make sure you take the boots out of the room.

Josh FINALLY got to play soccer today. Kevin was his soccer buddy for the first half hour, and the last half he played a mini game. The below picture is not great thanks to Zeke's head, but the smile on Josh's face is a true reflection of how he was the entire game--grinning ear to ear. He loved it! And he was quite good too!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

For Brian

A couple years ago my friend gave me a box of her sons clothes, that no longer fit. Most were too big, so I kept them in the closet and would look in it occasionally. I found this Nederland soccer jersey in it. Sam loves it. I feel bad that I had it for so long buried in a bucket. Must be why they lost the World Cup, all my fault.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just for Sarah

First day of School

Zeke loves his stripey pajamas

We went to the zoo

Sam turned 7!