Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday = Valentines Day and Sam's Half Birthday

Let me tell you, I had been "preparing" for Friday the 15th for some time. It was Sam's "birthday" celebration at school. For kids with birthdays in the summer, they do a half birthday. His will be the 24th of February- but that day didn't work for me to be able to go to his class too. In fact, Friday the 15th was the only day I could go. So that was the plan. And here is what we needed to do:
For his birthday:
Bring the Snack
Bring a "treat" (candy or little toy) for him to give to his classmates. Sam had picked out little slinky's a while ago and was super excited to give them to his friends.
It was also their Valentines celebration, so we needed too:
Bring Valentines for all the kids
The snack had to be heart shaped cookies that the kids could frost (and I learned this Wednesday, after I had already planned to bring rice krispie treats.)

Really doesn't sound like much. Sounds like lots of fun? Well- imagine how I felt on Thursday when Sam, Josh, and I all had fevers and we still had cookies to make. Then, imagine Friday morning when we still have fevers, but keep in mind, I cannot go any other day with Sam to his school to celebrate AND this is his first Valentines day and he was excited about it.

I got the cookies made (kept everyone away in hope to keep germs away!) In the morning, Sam at first said he didn't want to go. But we had to bring the cookies so we went, and he decided he wanted to stay. (SSSSSHHHH..let's hope the teachers and kids don't get sick since we were both there with low fevers and a cough!) It went okay- I was miserable, but Sam seemed to have fun. He loved getting his Valentines (Okay, so next year I need to be way more creative and give candy. But Sam didn't seem to care). And he LOVED giving the slinky's, the kids were really excited when they saw it. So...we survived. Barely. Got home, Sam was fine. My fever was even higher....

Since my mind was not all there...I did not remember my camera. I was so mad. But his teacher took lots of pictures (yea, pregnant Rachel...) and as soon as she posts them I will get them.

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