Friday, February 29, 2008

Ezekiel James

Zeke was born Thursday night at 9:29. He is 9lbs 9ozs and healthy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My two boys

Below is the funny face Josh made when I said: "Tomorrow the baby comes! And Nana, and Grandpa John, Grandpa and Grandma, Aunt Sarah and Brian, Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nicholas are all going to come visit!'

My first two "babes": Baby Sam (sorry about the picture, this is before our digital days!)

Baby Josh!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I just don't get it. . .

This coughy cold thing that we have been having I just don't get it! Here is our calendar of events:

February 4 - 9: Kevin has fever, cough, and stuffiness for first days, the cough and cold linger the rest of the week.
February 12-14: Josh has fever and runny nose. A little cough. His nose continually "drips" for another week or so.
February 14 - 19: Sam has fever, cough, and stuffed nose. Cough lingers still.
February 14-?: Rachel has fever, cough, and stuffed nose first few days. Then loses her voice, and still now has a stuffed nose and lingering cough. Pregnancy makes it harder to get rid of a cold but hoping it is gone by Friday!
February 24 - ?: Josh is coughing again! horrible hacking coughs that he coughs up phlegm, and of course his nose is running again. Is this the same cold? Or is a new one starting??? I JUST DON'T GET IT!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Kindergarten or Preschool ?

Sorry this is a long post- but a few friends and of course Sam's grandparents have been asking about this so here it is in the shortest summary I can give (sorry I am a babbler!)

Last week Sam met one on one with his teacher for her to assess him, and then last night Kevin and I had parent teacher conferences with her. I was a little nervous/curious just because you wonder how well the teacher knows your child when she sees him only 6 hours a week AND with 18 other kids. However, I was very impressed, she definitely knew our Sam! When we arrived she gave us his report card (!!) and we went over it. Here is the basics and most important/interesting points:

1. Cognitive/Creative Development: He did very well in this area- patterns, colors, shapes, recognizing name, and of course numbers. In fact, she had him count (she stopped him at 55), she had him repeat numbers out of sequence, and had him count objects. She said he is at a 6 year old level with numbers. Kind of funny since if she HADN'T stopped him, he probably would have counted to 1000 AND she didn't ask him to do any addition or subtraction which he is quite good at. So...I bet he is actually higher than a 6 year old level! Our Sam loves numbers!!

2. Listening and Language: Followed four directions in a row, which was good. But he has a short attention span and often loses his train of thought or starts playing during circle time. He loves stories and can repeat most sentences, however, he cannot repeat sentences with a lot of description (the bright red ball bounced high in the big blue sky...). He also has trouble with several letter sounds which makes him hard to understand and problems with word association. She said that he is more at a 3 year old level for this area.

3. Social and emotional: She says he plays well, especially with his friend Jaden. He usually will not talk in group or volunteer an answer. He also does not participate with motions in songs or when they move around he just stands there. Needs encouragement for trying new things and needs reminding at clean up time.

We talked about a lot more- cutting with scissors, how he holds his crayon, what he can draw, crossing a t, and other social things that were important for kindergarten. In the end, she said he tested at a 4 year old level, and at this point they are really looking for kids to be testing at a 5 year old level. She also reminded us that today kindergarten is what first grade was like when we went to school, AND as an August baby, most kid would be a year older then Sam. In the end, she felt strongly that another year before Kindergarten would definitely give Sam a chance to grow in a lot of these areas.

It was really good for Kevin and me, and nice to see that she saw the same things in Sam as we did. She right away pointed out that he has a strength in numbers but that short term memory, social things, and some fine motor skills were not at a kindergarten level yet. It was great having her opinion and now we feel very confident in a final decision. Sam will go to transitions preschool next year. A few good things are: it will be a change (change is hard for him!), he will see that he goes to a different classroom different teacher etc. Also, the transitions room has older kids (no 3 year olds) and really focuses on preparing him for Kindergarten. It will be everyday, and he is even considered old enough to ride the bus if we decide to do that. Sam will start kindergarten when he is 6. Since Josh is a late September, he will most likely start kindergarten at 5 and turn 6 within a month- this way the boys will still be two years apart in school.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday = Valentines Day and Sam's Half Birthday

Let me tell you, I had been "preparing" for Friday the 15th for some time. It was Sam's "birthday" celebration at school. For kids with birthdays in the summer, they do a half birthday. His will be the 24th of February- but that day didn't work for me to be able to go to his class too. In fact, Friday the 15th was the only day I could go. So that was the plan. And here is what we needed to do:
For his birthday:
Bring the Snack
Bring a "treat" (candy or little toy) for him to give to his classmates. Sam had picked out little slinky's a while ago and was super excited to give them to his friends.
It was also their Valentines celebration, so we needed too:
Bring Valentines for all the kids
The snack had to be heart shaped cookies that the kids could frost (and I learned this Wednesday, after I had already planned to bring rice krispie treats.)

Really doesn't sound like much. Sounds like lots of fun? Well- imagine how I felt on Thursday when Sam, Josh, and I all had fevers and we still had cookies to make. Then, imagine Friday morning when we still have fevers, but keep in mind, I cannot go any other day with Sam to his school to celebrate AND this is his first Valentines day and he was excited about it.

I got the cookies made (kept everyone away in hope to keep germs away!) In the morning, Sam at first said he didn't want to go. But we had to bring the cookies so we went, and he decided he wanted to stay. (SSSSSHHHH..let's hope the teachers and kids don't get sick since we were both there with low fevers and a cough!) It went okay- I was miserable, but Sam seemed to have fun. He loved getting his Valentines (Okay, so next year I need to be way more creative and give candy. But Sam didn't seem to care). And he LOVED giving the slinky's, the kids were really excited when they saw it. So...we survived. Barely. Got home, Sam was fine. My fever was even higher....

Since my mind was not all there...I did not remember my camera. I was so mad. But his teacher took lots of pictures (yea, pregnant Rachel...) and as soon as she posts them I will get them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What we have been up to...

The below picture is something we do every once in awhile - "We're going on a car hunt . . ."and then we try to find all our cars. The boys love trying to find the cars and to line them up and count them. This was the first time we ever took a picture- Emily's suggestion- and even looking at all those cars...I still know which ones we COULDN'T find!

Monday, February 11, 2008

snow days

Remember as a kid/teenager how much you loved snow days? I remember one year (I think my freshman year in high school) exam week got canceled- one day at a time, but there was so much snow that each morning we woke up and exams were canceled. Sophomore year in college- Kevin and I had just started dating but the weather was so bad we got "Snowed in" at my house in Holland. Also, having lots of teachers in the family I know they love snow days!

But you know what? I don't like snow days anymore. Sam is only in preschool, but also people I work is a pain! Babysitters are needed etc. Businesses don't close, so most parents still have to go to work. So, I decided, that I officially no longer like snow days. (Unless of course I ever in my life use my teaching degree, then I may change me mind!)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


My apologies about the lack of photos. It seems as I anxiously await this baby, everything I do, including not only picture taking but how I move, is a lot SLOWER. Besides, there is a lot going on right now. Personally, we seem to have, or be getting, a nasty cold. Kevin has had it bad, and I am starting to get something. I hope it isn't as bad as Kev had it since I really am not supposed to take meds!

But there is a lot going on with friends/coworkers. I have had the links to both the Vedra and Haan's web pages up for sometime and I do hope that prayers are continuing to go their way. Over the past two weeks a coworker and friend of mine...her husband (who works at Calvin Seminary) was also diagnosed with a form of Leukemia and is most likely going to need bone marrow transplant. Pray. Please pray. Right now, there is a carepage set up and I can send you the information on how to access it- just send me an e-mail. However, the link to Pastor Mary has a very good post called "Complete Remission".

Finally, on the Haan webpage was this poem, and I really liked it:

What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple LOVE
It cannot shatter HOPE
It cannot corrode FAITH
It cannot destroy PEACE
It cannot kill FRIENDSHIP
It cannot suppress MEMORIES
It cannot silence COURAGE
It cannot invade the SOUL
It cannot steal ETERNAL LIFE
It cannot conquer the SPIRIT
- Anonymous