Thursday, September 06, 2007

Summers End and First Day of Preschool

Sam's first day of preschool was Wednesday Sept. 5! It was a shortened class time that moms or dad got to go too. Sam and I had a lot of fun- we decorated some pictures of him, played with a lot of the toys and games, and enjoyed circle time. We sang songs, heard a story, and met Mrs. M's puppets. I think he was a little overwhelmed but he seemed really excited and will go back friday all by himself! (Oh, he there is also a snake and a bunny in the room. He didn't like the snake- and last night he woke up crying for me at 3AM saying there was a snake on teddy....greeat....)

Tuesdays in August are free concerts for members of Meijer Gardens. It is a lot of local groups and we enjoyed some really great music!


Bethany said...

Yeah, Sam! Fun times! Hopefully the snake nightmare is a one time occurance! :)

Unknown said...

Yea for preschool for Sam! He is growing up. Yeah, let's hope reoccuring nightmares of the snake don't happen. Perhaps Friday will teach him differently.