Friday, September 07, 2007

First Full Morning of Preschool

People keep asking, especially grandparents, and I like to talk about it, so here is an update about Sam and school. First, I remembered my camera so you can see him sitting by his little hook and box. Above it you can see the one of the pictures we decorated on wednesday. You can also see that all the kids bring backpacks. So I want to get Sam a nice, plain backpack (as opposed to a character backpack) and stitch his name on it and he can use it for a few years. But all the plain backpacks at Target were huge, and all the little backpacks were character. So if anyone can tell me where to get a nice size one for Sam...let me know! Oh, and he saw tha CAillou backpack (right next to his space...) and was all, "I want a Caillou backpack!" I said, well you have a Thomas backpack do you want to take that one?" "No, I don't like Thomas. I want CAillou." So, I need to figure out the whole backpack thingy...

So today he seemed really nervous, he kept asking if I would stay with him. I kept explaining that it was sort of like Little stars at church- sing, stories, play, snacks and mommy will be back to get him. I think that helped. I also explained how there were 17 kids in his class, 8 girls and 9 boys. That really helped. You know Sam and numbers. He talked about it the whole way. (9+8 is 17...look mom, I see 17 kids, you're right! and on and on about the numbers.....)

WE get to his classroom and his teacher is all "Look at the long snake going across the floor!" (GREAT) Sam kind of hides behind me- and then I show him that it isn't a real snake but legos. And he could help build it.
S: "No. I want to play trucks."
Me: look, all the kids are building with legos. Do you think you can build a big tower?
S: "Yes, but it might fall over. You have to stay with me.
Me: I think you will have lots of fun. Why don't you go build, and just like little stars I will be back soon.
S: okay.

And he very slowly walks over to the other that is all I know for now. I am sure he may tell me more when he gets home! (FYI- for those who may not know, if you click on a picture you can see it bigger). this morning, again, he cries when we leave Sam. (It doesn't help that he sees the trains in Sam's classroom.) So I whisper to him. Mommy and Joshy will go to the bookstore and play trains. That makes him happy. He also likes to see the school buses in the parking lot. He LOVES buses. SChoolbus mommy school bus!!! Anyway, we get to the bookstore (see picture) and he is loving playing trains. I asked him to count his long line of trains (probably about 7) and Josh says, "1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,14,19!!!" ((Okay, so he is no Sam when it comes to numbers. At this age, Sam not only counted to about 13 but he also recognized the numbers. Still, it was so cute!) The only thing that went wrong...was when it was time to go. My eardrums are STILL recovering from his screaming NOOOOOO!! I am surprised someone didn't think I was kidnapping him....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that Olivia looks like a big brat....anyone else?