Saturday, August 08, 2009

Bike Race!

Today, Saturday August 8, started out rainy and stormy- Kevin and I were heavy hearted as our thoughts were on the Vedra's. But, we had signed the boys up for a bike race, and decided to go downtown and see if it was still happening. It was, and as race time approached, the rain stopped and the sun even came out a bit. Here is the pictures from the kids race.

Sam, practicing for the race.

Race # 811 ready to go. Sam was in Heat 3- once around the race- about 1 KM.

Go Sam Go!

Josh's Bike, race # 810, ready to go.

Josh rode around the practice area. Grandpa John helped show him exactly where he should go.

Ready for the race!? Josh was in Heat 4, the 3 and under age. They rode 100 Meters.

Go Josh! Go!

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