Thursday, December 13, 2007


For awhile now Sam has been such a...pain. Here is an example from my morning:

1. Josh wakes up and come downstairs with Red Lightening McQueen. Sam starts whining, it is my turn for tred lightening McQueen. I NEED that one. (nevermind that we have like 4 other lightening mcqueens, he NEEDS the car joshy has.)

2. Sam is in the kitchen playing blocks. Josh goes into the living room, grabs the blanket and takes it into the kitchen to hide under it. Sam sees it and says I want the blanket! Takes it from Josh and tries to run out of the room. Again, he was not even considering the blanket until he saw josh with it.

3. They are playing with the cars together (rare) and Josh decides he wants to leave. Sam does not want him too, Josh you HAVE to stay here (crying running josh screaming...) Sam tries to block Josh from leaving the room, then decides to sit on him.

4. Sam is doing a puzzle. Josh comes in and grabs a marker and a coloring book. Sam looks up walks over to Josh, and says, "Josh, I have to have that pink marker." Again, he wasn't even considering coloring until he saw Josh!

5. Sam come here. Sam come here. SAM COME HERE! He doesn't listen, instead throws a car.

Sam has had 4 time outs this morning and still he is at this moment telling Josh he HAS to put the car in a certain spot.

Help! I don't know what to do with this kid!!!

1 comment:

James, Kelly, Simon and Sierra Grooters said...

Unfortunately, that sounds all to similar to my days with Simon and Sierra, and sorry, no great ideas here on how to deal with them : (