Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In the dark

Well last night, Monday night, was sort of exciting. At around 6:00 there was this big flash of light and the electricity flickered. Then we heard this loud buzzing. First, we determined that the buzzing was our fuse box. We looked outside- where there were still sparks- and saw that one of our wires was down and stuck in the tree. Kevin got right on the cell phone. Soon the fire department arrived and tried to get the wire down. (that was fun to see the fire truck- but that 'fun' only lasted a little while). Half our electricity worked and half didn't, but they told us to turn it all off until the wire was fixed. Then, we had to wait until consumers energy could fix it. So, we were in the dark. Hadn't eaten supper yet...so Kevin walked and got a pizza. The wire was across our driveway and sidewalk so the fire department had put up some tape. Of course, as we sit in the dark we realize the TiVo doesn't work (OH NO! OUR FAVORITE SHOWS!! How I Met your Mother and Hero's) thankfully several friends and family have TiVo's/DVR so that was taken care of....=) Put the boys to bed around 8:00- the laptop had some battery so they watched a DVD. Finally at 9:40 the company had fixed the wire. 6-9:40 doesn't sound long to go without electricity- but with kids, and the house getting cold... it seemed like forever! Poor Sam kept going to different rooms- like the bathroom- and would try to turn on the light... he really didn't "get" it. Anyway, here are a few pictures- they're not the best but you can see the tape around our yard and the guy fixing the wire..


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