Friday, October 05, 2007

Sam and School

Josh went to the doctor today 29 pounds and 34 inches he is in the 50 percentile for kids his age.
Now, Sam has been in school for a month now. His teacher takes lots of pictures and makes a book for them at the end of the year. She also posts them for us to download- so here are some of those pics. He seems to like it, but he also says he wants to stay home with Joshy. Also, there have been like 5 projects that I see other kids going home with, but not Sam. SO I need to talk to the teacher and see if he is wouldn't surprise me if he is stubbornly not wanting to do something, but I don't want to pay this much money just for him to play! Also, the picture of Sam working at the table on a project- that other little boy his Jaden, he goes to our church. He is also the one that Sam said, "Jaden and I were throwing toys from the loft so we had to sit in chairs!"

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