Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Kevin hauled out his old Construx for the boys to play with--do they still make these?? Anyway, with Lego's and blocks overflowing in the basement, and K'nex and tinkertoys everywhere in their bedroom (WE HAVE TOO MANY TOYS!) the only place left for ANOTHER building toy...the main floor. For days the boys were building spaceships and planes and all sorts of things. Then, Josh decided to build the longest thing. From the kitchen table, through the kitchen, and down the stairs. They were so proud =)

From Wikipedia:
"Construx was a brand of plastic building toys introduced by Fisher-Price in 1983. Unlike other building toys such as Lego, Construx featured beam-like pieces of varying lengths that snapped on to cubical connector knots in order to build large shapes. These were relatively secure even though no nuts or bolts were used. Panels allowed assembly of flat surfaces. Hinges, motors, wheels, and other movable parts expanded the number of different shapes that could be built, and made moving creations possible. Construx was discontinued in 1988, briefly revived by Mattel in 1997, and then discontinued again."

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