Thursday, September 03, 2009


About a month ago I saw some pajamas at Target that I thought were soooo cute for Josh. They not only had animals on them- but one set was red and white, the other set was brown and tan. With Joshy's brown eyes and dark complexion he looks adorable in those colors. Problem- he didn't need pajamas and they weren't on sale. So I was good girl and kept walking. But every time over the next weeks whenever I visited a Target (which is pretty often) I always looked at those pajamas. Finally, the last time there was only one left in his size. So I bought them. After all, Target isn't THAT expensive and who can argue with how cute he is?!?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL, I love your rationale, Rachel! He IS adorable in them too. Does he like them as well?