2. I asked Sam to talk to Zeke when he woke up while I finished cleaning the basement. When I went up to get him I found Sam in his crib. (Zeke was not crying, he LOVES his big brothers). I told Sam no more climbing in the crib- even if I did think it was funny.
3. I cleaned, really cleaned- all toys, puzzles, cars, balls in their place. Vacuumed- the basement was spotless the floor clear of all things. While I put Zeke to bed Sam took the oppurtunity to dump out every toy. I could no longer see the floor.
4. I went up at 3:15 to check on Sam's rest time and to tell him to go clean up his mess. I opening the door- no Sam in the bed. He was behind the curtain standing on the window sill...
1. Yesterday I bought popsicles at the grocery store. Josh begged for one, but he had been quite naughty so he wasn't allowed one yesterday. When he woke up this morning he asked for one. When he finished his cereal he asked for one...I keep saying maybe later and he keeps asking!
2. Josh had no pee or poopy accidents today. But he did drop his underwear in the toilet after he had peed in the toilet.
3. Josh loves animals, especially his horses (Jack, Cookie, Old Paint, Princess, and Gorbazorb). Jack is gone- broken leg that we couldn't fix. Cookie has been lost for weeks, but we found him today! Josh was so happy he takes him everywhere! Josh wanted to take him in the sandbox- I said after nap.
4. Josh was in his room for 20 minutes and came out and said- I am ready for the sandbox! Very cute, but I told him no, you have to sleep!!
Zeke has been an angel!! (For now...)
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