Friday, July 11, 2008

Winged Wonders and Funny quotes

This week Sam went to a Winged Wonders CAmp at Calvin's Ecosystem Preserve. It was everyday from 9-12 and Sam had a really good time, and always came home exhausted and ready for a nap! Today he received the "Happy Camper" reward because he always had a positive attitude. I think it was not only good for him to be out of the house for a bit, but I also liked how he learned so much about God's amazing creation. Maybe the next time you see him you can ask him what is the only bird that hovers and fly's backwards.

Funny Sam quotes:
Each morning this week before his camp he was at Kevin's desk from 8-8:45 playing computer games. On Thursday when it was time to go to camp he got up and said to Brad and Adam: "Don't let anyone touch MY computer." !!!

Every night before supper we go around and say something we are thankful for--last night we did this prayer and began to eat. Then Sam said, "Zeke is thankful for mommy's boobies and diapers!" (Kevin and I laughed quite hard because we have no idea what made him say this all of a sudden!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am not surprised Sam received the Happy Camper award today. He was so silly this morning that I think it spilled over into the rest of the day. :)

Those quotes of his are hilarious.