Friday, June 06, 2008

Bug bites and mud puddles

I wish I had had a camera at the softball game last night. Not just to take a picture of poor Aunt Ashley with a screaming Zeke, but to take a picture of Josh. Instead you will have to use your imaginations, so picture this: MUD PUDDLES and JOSH. Yeah...when we went to the van to go home, we stripped Josh to his diaper and squirted him with water from our water bottles.

After the game we all went back to our house to hang out on the deck. There were a lot of mosquito's. The below picture is what Josh looked like this morning, apparently the bugs like him. The picture does not do it justice, the bites are VERY red and the bite on his forward looks like a huge bump sticking out from his head. (If you click on the picture it gets bigger and you can see the bites a little better.)


Ruth said...

Aww! Poor guy! Does he get welts with the bites? I do... bug bites/welts are NOT fun :( I hope he doesn't itch them too much!!

Bethany said...

Oh no! Poor guy!

Unknown said...

Aww. Those bites are so large!