Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Spreading the Word

Mothering, Issue NO. 137, "Although it's unlikely these days that any layperson, let alone a health professional, would directly state that formula is healthier than breastmilk, we still collude a culture that promotes bottle feeding as "normal". As long as images of breastfeeding are over shadowed by images of bottles, and as long as formula feeding facts are misapplied to the breastfed baby, breastfeeding will continue to be seen as a luxery rather than as the obvious best choice for baby."

A few issues back, Mothering Magazine had a great article about how our society is bombarded with images of the bottle. It was a great article that discussed a very serious problem. Now, I am so bothered by all these bottle images! I scrapbook- and what is provided in the kit for babies- bottle stickers, what is on so many baby gift bags- bottles! What is in my childs nursery- a doll with a bottle! This is not what I want my children to learn- I don't want them to think that this is how babies are fed- that this is the norm. While many people may have to use the bottle, I feel strongly that our culture shouldn't make this seem like the "norm". I believe our culture should realize that breastfeeding is how babies are fed, but that we are lucky to have other options in case there are difficulties with the breast. I want my children to know that Breastfeeding is not only best, but natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Mothering Magazine had a contest for an international symbol of breastfeeding. This was the winner- I think it is great and believe that we all need to start using it! Now...if only I can get it onto stickers for my baby books!


James, Kelly, Simon and Sierra Grooters said...

I agree breast milk is very important for babies....but remember breastfeeding doesn't always work in every situation.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rachel! I think you can get the symbol on stickers through cafepress :)

Anonymous said...

Weird...what's wrong with bottles

Unknown said...

That's awesome. It's kinda nice to know people a stage or two ahead of me in life--I learn what I'd like for my family whenever (and if) I have it. Breastfeeding is definitely the way to go, and if it's from a bottle it will be my own milk.