Monday, November 27, 2006

Baby Raising Philosophies

As many of you know I like to read about different parenting styles and just do a lot of research on what is right for our kids. I feel it is important to remember that doctors aren't perfect and not always up to date on what is best. Therefore, i think it is important for parents to do some research/reading of their own rather than just doing as their doctor says.

Recently I have been having discussions with several of my friends about feeding schedules and the Baby Wise methods, I have also been talking to some of you about co-sleeping.

Today I found some interesting articles about what we believe, or rather try to do (no one is perfect!). Here is a quote: "What has come to be known as “Attachment Parenting” more often develops children who actually become more independent, as well as healthier and more psychologically secure." For more information about check out the article (there is even some info about cosleeping!) Evidence Supports Natural Instinctual Parenting.

I also found information about BabyWise (very strict feeding and sleeping schedules), a philosophy that, well "bothers" is an article that I found interesting. On Becoming Babywise: A flawed parenting philosophy? And interesting quote: "...Alarm bells went off when doctors began seeing more and more infants who were showing signs of failure to thrive, poor weight gain, and dehydration."

Just thought I would share some thoughts since I have been chatting with several of you about this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool info, Rachel. Another great site is