Monday, March 22, 2010

Batteries -- cute story

Barbies, Big Wheel, roller skates, and Little People. These were the toys I played with as a child. I played for hours and hours with my little people house and school bus. BArbies were best when I played with my friend Lisa- she had Barbie car and jeep. AWESOME, oh how i wanted that car to put my barbies in and push all over the place. I remember playing with these toys for years and even packing them up and moving them to Michigan at the age of ten. The bus, barbies, and all my toys lasted for a long time- no batteries were needed.

As I grew older other "toys" entered my life- a Ninetendo, discman, and soon a car. 'Toys' in my life were becoming more advanced, and dependent on technology, or batteries. But still, the 90's were nothing compared to today. By the time Kevin and I were married and with our first child (2003)- I NEEDED batteries- TV remote, camera, swing, bouncy chair. I remember those days- Sam, screaming and screaming, and I discover that the vibrating bouncy chair had no batteries in it.

Now, batteries are a huge part of my children's life. I can't even check out at the toy store without a clerk asking if we need batteries. In fact, we have so many items with batteries that we have purchased packs and packs of rechargeable batteries over the years. For KEvin and me the remotes--(8 for TVS, 4 Wiimotes), camera, toothbrushes, shower radio, even our thermostat is battery operated. And those are 'adult' items!

The TOYS. You parents know what I am talking about- every toy these days seems to need a battery. From the toys the kids play with all the time (Leapsters) to that ANNOYING, LOUD, HAHA gift from relatives. I am sure it is a weekly statement in our house "Sorry (Josh/Zeke/Sam) but that isn't working now because the batteries died." Of course, some toys just never get the batteries back!

But I never sat back and actually thought about how all these battery operated items impact my child's thinking. At church the other day, a mother was waiting patiently outside the child's bathroom. She knew Josh was in there going potty. She waited a bit- soon Josh opened the door, looked at her, and said, "Um, the potty is out of batteries."

Yes, since I didn't have batteries growing up I never thought that "things" work because of batteries. But today- batteries make EVERYTHING go! According to Josh...we are so fancy that batteries even flush our toilets!!

Scientist Josh, or zoo keeper

Josh has been learning about Dinosaurs at school- and LOVING it. Today he came home with a dinosaur mountain. They have to dig with a Popsicle stick until they get to the dinosaur. He enjoys it so much and even looked up at me and said, "Look, I am a scientist!!"

Mommy! Mommy! TWO bawoons!

The weather turned cold again this weekend, so we were inside again. Josh and Zeke built a zoo under the table. Yes, they both bumped their heads too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beware- sappy post! Look how we've changed!

On this beautiful day, March 16, 2010, I got to thinking about other "first warm days" over the years...

MARCH 2004


MARCH 2006

MARCH 2007

MARCH 2008

MARCH 2009

MARCH 2010 Sam was on a walk with us- but way ahead on his bike and didn't want his photo taken today!

Butterfly's at Meijer Garden - March 13, 2010

Butterfly's at Meijer Garden, March 18, 2005

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Who's who at Two

Two year old Statistics:

Sam: 36 inches and 32.5 pounds
Josh: 34.5 inches and 29 pounds
Zeke: 35 inches and 28 pounds