Sunday, September 28, 2008

Josh's 3rd Birthday Celebration

For Josh's birthday we decided to go to Post Family Farm. When we arrived...i didn't have my camera. I had extra battery's for the camera, and I had the Video camera. Thankfully Stewart remembered his camera so we will have pictures, but they aren't digital so no posts on the blog. But here is a little video of Josh riding a horse!

Anyway, the farm was AWESOME. Josh had such a great time with the animals and the tractor. It was just so much fun, and on the way home Josh even said, "I had a lot of fun mommy!" He was SO cute!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Another future hockey player! The last picture is Zeke getting messy with a biter biscuit.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

HC Tennis Opening Ceremony and Break In

The pictures of Sam playing tennis are from the Holland Christian opening ceremony of the tennis courts. It is really great facility and I know my dad is very excited- he is also on his 20th year of coaching tennis there so that is neat.

The other two pictures are the sight that we came home to on Friday night...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mark this day in history! September 14, 2008

Josh eats!!!!!! He not only tried his lunch, he ATE ALL OF IT! And it was chili..of all the things to suddenly decide to eat he chooses chili. Wierd, but yeah!!!!!

For you teachers out there check out this blog,, I found it interesting. (my dad showed it to us.)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little Gentleman

Sam has now walked to his classroom by himself twice. This is really nice for me! Since I take him everyday, loading and unloading all three boys and walking through the whole school...kind of annoying. This morning he hopped out of the van at the same time as Sarah (from his class last year AND in his class this year). It was Sarah's first time walking to the room by herself so her mom was all like, Look you can walk with Sam! They were really cute. She has on a little dress and Sam was walking next to her....and then SAM opened the big door and let her walk in the school first. SO CUTE!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Teeth and stuff

Yes, you all were correct. The RED shoes do not match the orange shirt. (They are NOT pink, come on, why would there be pink shoes anywhere in our home ??) And you were also correct about which was a squirter and which was the balloon. He was not impressed when I made a "squirter balloon"- by just adding the circle thing to the other end so that one side was a balloon, turn it over and you have a squirter. No, he didn't seem to like it and he broke it apart right away.

Anyway, things are going fine here. I had my surgery and it went well. We have been saying for days that Zeke was crabby due to teething and sure enough he now has two bottom teeth, and his gums look like more are coming. The final picture is Sam coming off the bus. He has been doing well, but the bus always came late. Today we got a revised schedule and now Sam will be the THIRD one off the bus. He is excited to not be last (he hates being last at anything!) and we are excited that he won't be on the bus for an hour.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

School Days! I ask questions in this post so leave a comment with your answers!!!

Well, Sam is back in school. He goes everyday from 9-11:30. He then rides the bus home- it is just Millbrook kindergartners and transition preschoolers. He is supposed to be the last stop which is too bad- just under an hour on the bus. But it is really helpful to have him come home on the bus.

This picture is from Wednesday when he had a mini day- he went with Kevin (because I had to work too) for an hour.
Can anyone guess how I can tell by looking at this picture that Kevin and my mom took Sam to school?

Today(Thursday) was his first full morning of transitions preschool, and first bus ride. The bus was late. VERY LATE. After standing in the rain for 20 minutes (and yes totally freaking out) I began making phone calls. After 30 minutes I finally reached the secretary (whom I am assuming had been on lunch break) and she informed me the bus was about 45 minutes late today but that the principal was with them. So why wouldn't they call us to let us know??? These are kindergartners and preschoolers only- clearly we as parents are probably worried about this, and IT IS RAINING. When he finally arrived (an hour late) I tried to snap a picture but it was blurry. All Sam had to say was, "I need to pee."

Josh cracks me up. He it too cute. I think he really enjoyed having just me and Zeke this morning. Lately he has been really into tinker toys- he loves to make BALLOONS and SQUIRTERS.
QUESTION #2: Can you tell which is a balloon and which is a squirter??

Of course we played with horses today! Josh made a nice road for them!

Zeke is practicing sitting up. I finally managed to snap this cute photo- it only took 3 falls before he managed to sit long enough for me to take a photo!

Now that Zeke is 6 months we have started to give him some food. So far just applesauce but he is doing quite well! I also think he just loves being at the table with all of us. He never likes to be left out!