Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Baptism went fine!

Sunday was Zeke and Mia's baptism and it went great. Sam and Josh did fine pouring the water, and Josh was very cute when he "baptized" Zeke. Here are just a few pictures from Sunday's service and Pastor Thea Leunk baptizing Zeke..

I love this picture because of Cindy's expression- it made me laugh.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Nieces and Nephew

My brother John and sister-in-law Brooke just became the proud foster parents of three kids. So here is a pic of my new nieces and nephew! John and Brooke will care for these kids anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. We are praying all goes well! What an adjustment for everyone involved!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Two Year Old

Yes, Josh often acts like a two year old and throws irrational fits. But, he is also sooo adorable and so loving! Here are some really cute pictures!

Josh ALWAYS wants to hold Zeke or give him hugs. Thanks for the cute PJ's Cindy!

Josh loves his cars! He had piled them into the swing and then told me they were his babies. He was even getting towels to put on them and said they were blankets.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Garage Sales and Smiles

This morning I went garage sale-ing - I am a picky garage sale-er, but it was fun and the boys were great! They each found a little toy for a quarter - a rubics cube for Sam, and a horse for Josh. I also received a few smiles from Zeke today, one of which I sort of caught on camera, yay! My best deal of the day- hockey equipment that looked brand new. She said her son wore it when he was 6 years old (maybe he wore it once!). The five items were each marked $10, but I offered her $30 for everything and she said okay. Now, 3+ little boys have hockey equipment!! (FYI- the + is for any little hockey players that Nicholas and Ashley may have!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Grandparents want to see some photos....

Zeke is 6 weeks and a few days, Kevin stepped on the scale with him and he is at least 13 pounds. So he is really starting to fill out his clothes! Today has been a good day, he seems to be a little more calm and not as fussy. He also smiled a few times, but I can't get him to do it on command, so know photos yet!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Saturday was gorgeous and Kevin got a lot done outside. Sam took a break from pestering Josh and helped Kevin:
-Clean up the yard by putting leaves in the wheelbarrow
-Sweep out the garage
-Pound nails out of boards

Just imagine what he'll be able to help with as he gets older...

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Zeke turned one month (now he is 5 weeks) old. But he still doesn't like baths...

Sam got his stitches out and we had a fun time at Teddy Bear Pajama Night.

And we purchased a Wii...there is a lot more I can say about this but am choosing to keep my mouth shut.