Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sparta Migrant Program

As many of you know, I am currently working in Sparta teaching ESL to some of the migrant workers. It is a great program and I am having so much fun. I am working with a lady named Deb, who is just great and her Spanish is much better than mine- which helps! I really could tell lots of fun stories, but I don't want this entry to be too long! I hope to take more pictures so keep an eye on the blog!

Crane's Apple Orchard

This past sunday we went to Crane's apple orchard with my parents. Sam loved picking apples, he had so much fun. He also likes helping us make applesauce!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Josh's First Steps

Josh took his first sequence of steps tonight. I captured it on video ... you will notice that Sam is in time-out and he hits his head during the video. I looked after him after I was done watching Josh :)

Josh Steps Video

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Family pics

On Saturday we had our friend Emily Schreur come over and do a sort of family photo session. She is a wonderful photographer! The digital photos (she also did some film ones) turned out really well! If you want to catch a sneak preview check them out on her website at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeanemily/sets/72157594276748518

I am sure I will eventually post some on here too!