Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Mr. Conscientious and Mr. doesn't care

Today at the store I caught Sam and Josh chewing, they admitted to taking a candy corn from the bin and eating it. Well, Sam admitted and said Josh did it too. Josh just giggled. AFter I had the "talk" about how this isn't our food and we didn't pay for it, and what they did was naughty because they stole...I then told them they would need to say sorry and give money when we got to the cashier. Here were the responses:

Sam: Began crying, hard. He said he couldn't do it because he would get in trouble and they might put him in jail. .... Okay, I expected Sam to be upset and not want to do it- that is his character and he is at the age of being focused on right and wrong. I didn't expect so much crying and fear of being in jail!

Josh: He laughed. He didn't care at all. He happily took the money and continued bouncing around. ... Okay, I knew josh wouldn't be as upset as SAm, but I wanted SOME trace of being sorry and understanding that what he did was wrong!

Josh handed the lady the money and said sorry he took candy (I explained it to her). She laughed, (thanks for the help lady!) and said okay...then Sam said sorry too. I then hugged Sam and told him I was very proud of him and that he did the right thing. (Josh was hopping around, still not caring about what he did....)

Sigh. I AM proud of Sam and do feel he learned a lesson. I AM annoyed with Josh, I mean I know he is only 4 but I feel at this age Sam showed some sense of right and wrong!

On a completely different note here are some photos of our Zeke. He is very much in the "I do it myself"stage. Messes and all...Also, he fell and his fingernail was ripped off yesterday! It was horribly bloody and lots of screaming. I know it is just a fingernail and much worse things could happen, but it was still difficult to deal with!

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