Saturday, May 02, 2009

Sam's first Soccer Game- Panthers vs. Cougars

Today was Sam's first soccer game. He was very excited- both the game and practice were cancelled last week so he was ready to play. I was also very excited- I love sports so am ready to enter this next phase of parenting. Sitting there watching and cheering him was a lot of fun. Sam's team is yellow, called the Panthers, and he is number 6. His team looked quite a bit bigger than the red cougars...and the ball was always going through the cougars goal! Mostly yellow was scoring, but red kicked it their own goal a couple times! There was no keep track of score; except we all know Sam keeps track and the first thing he said to us was" "We won 18-1!" Even though Kevin and I never saw the red team score, I am sure Sam was right!

Sam did tell us that someone on the red team told him he was mean because he kept scoring and they wanted to score too. Sam didn't say anything back to the kid which I told him was the right thing to do. Or next time just say we are just having fun. Anyway, below are some pictures from the game- Josh and Zeke had fun too. Josh, Megan, and Andrew found a worm so that was the highlight of Josh's morning!

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