Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Zoo

Josh always asks us what animals we want to be. Today, on the way home from church, Josh rode with me and was asking me what animal I was, what was daddy etc. I decided we needed to make it a learning moment and have everybody be an animal that their name/title started with. SO, here is what we decided, and some snippets from the conversation.

Josh: Jaguar
Sam: Snake
Mommy: Monkey or Rachel: Rhinocerous
Daddy: Doggie or Kevin: Kangaroo
Zeke: Zebra (But, if we call him Ezekiel he has to be an Elephant).
When we decided elephant, Josh of course asked: "But what will Grandma be??"
Grandma: Giraffe
Grandpa Stewart AND Grandpa John: Gorillas
Nicholas: Newt chasing a bug! (from his song)
Sarah: Seal
Brian: Beautiful Butterfly (that was all Josh's idea!)
Nana: NIGHTINGALE (Also from a musical toy we have)
Old Grandpa: Ostrich

Then as we were pulling into the garage Josh says: "Mommy, we really have a good zoo!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoot, i was hoping to be a nighthawk, or nemo if you would let me.....